All valid points. Many of them are criticisms of the current primary spreadsheet software (Excel and Google Sheets), rather than the spreadsheet language or metaphor as such. One can easily imagine a spreadsheet system that would tackle most of the issues you mention.
But what most often gets overlooked in criticism like this is over-rotation to the downsides without recognizing the upsides. The value that lies in the fact that there is an environment where everyday knowledge workers — the domain experts themselves — can take care of many of their day-to-day IT needs using spreadsheets, rather than having to wait for and rely on specialized software and IT people is immense.
This empowerment is not something to be fought, but to be reconciled with. It’s much more useful to recognize spreadsheets’ strengths and address their shortcomings rather than fighting them and trying to ween people of the tools that enable them to get stuff done. See: